a few words about web development

Few very useful PHP functions, part 2

Another straight to the point solution
In this post I would like to present next set of PHP functions that are not super-advanced, but really handy. You can use them freely as they all are licensed under MIT.

I think you might find them useful too. If you do- please leave a comment, thanks!

Unique file name

This function returns numerical name for a file with given extension in a given directory that does not exist. It can be used as a name for temporary files, like uploads and such. If you call it like uniqFile('upload', '.jpg') it will return something like '1.jpg' or '15523.jpg'.
function uniqFile($dir, $ext)
	if (substr($dir, -1, 1) != '/')
		$dir .= '/';
	for ($i=1; $i<999999; $i++)
		if (!is_file($dir . $i . $ext))
			return $i . $ext;
	return false;	

Human size

This functions returns human-readable size of the file. It's only parameter is size in bytes. humanSize(1030) will return '1 kB'.
function humanSize($size)
	if ($size < 1024)			return sprintf('%d B', $size);
	if ($size < 1048576)		return sprintf('%.2f kB', $size/1024);
	if ($size < 1073741824)		return sprintf('%.2f MB', $size/1048576);
	if ($size < 1099511627776)	return sprintf('%.2f GB', $size/1073741824);

To Title

Converts letter case of a given string- every word's first letter becomes uppercase.
function toTitle($title)
	return ucwords(strtolower($title));

Hex to String, String to Hex

These functions convert given hex string into binary string.
function hex2str($s)
	$s = str_replace(' ', '', $s);
	$len = strlen($s);
	$out = '';
	for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i+=2)
		$out .= chr(hexdec(substr($s, $i, 2)));
	return $out;

function str2hex($s)
	$len = strlen($s);
	$out = '';
	for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++)
		$out .= dechex(ord($s[$i])) . ' ';
	return $out;
