Fast PHP WhoIs class - get information about domains
Simple and extendable PHP class

This time I want to present my class for getting information from WhoIs database about any domain.
I know there are already classes for it, but I couldn't find anything "nice". There is, for example, project, but it's almost 0,5 MB of code. Albert Einstein said: "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler" and 0,5 of code for such a simple thing is just way too much.
So- here's the class that is simple (less than 5kB of code). It might not yet support all possible TLDs, but it gives good results for following: com, net, org, de, fr, pl. If you need any other TLD- you can add it a five minutes. Let's say, you want to support *.ttt domains:
1) Create a function named parse_ttt:
private function parse_ttt($data, $domain)
$domainWord = 'Domain Name:';
$keywords = array( 'Domain Name' => 'domain',
'Name Server' => 'dns',
'Creation Date' => 'created',
'Expiration Date' => 'expires'
return $this->parse($data, $domain, $domainWord, $keywords, true);
2) Run the script. It will print you information from whois server, something like this:
Domain Name: somedomain.ttt
Some junk here: Junk junk
Name Server: ns.somehost.ttt
Name Server: ns.somehost.ttt
Creation Date: 01-02-2006
Expiration Date: 09-09-2019
Now just alter $domainWord and $keywords variables. Variable $domainWord is the word which is before the domain name. In this example it is "Domain Name:". Variable $keywords should "translate" all special words to "known" values (domain, dnc, created, expires).
After you change the variables- remove "print_r($data); ".
Your function should be ready to use.
Usage example:
$w = new Whois;
[domain] => Array
[dns] => Array
[created] => Array
[0] => 15-sep-1997
[expires] => Array
[0] => 14-sep-2011